Thursday, 4 July 2013

Nica’s Trip to Seoul (Story 2.) – Samchung-dong

During my trip to Seoul, I had another must-see place in my mind: Samchung-dong. Seoul Central is very energetic and even frenetic at some point as the one of the main districts in the biggest city in South Korea. However, this amazing town makes me feel nostalgic and exotic at the same time with its mix of the traditional and contemporary atmosphere.

I have heard that Samchung-dong actually has been created by Korean independent artists and designers from diverse areas; as a result there is a wide variety of idiosyncratic shops and art galleries to see in this district, which has totally a different mood to Gangnam. I always find stillness and even inner-peace of myself in this tranquil and stylish street amid the hectic swirl of urban life in Seoul.

Whenever I visit to this area, I am always amazed by these wonderful arrangements made by independent fashion designers around this area; they are usually minimal but incredibly thoughtful!

Also, looking around a variety of vintage shops, art galleries and sophisticated coffee shops, each with its own magnificent idea and style always amuses me…

During my journey in Samchung-dong, I was very keen to discover some inspiration for my design from its amazing contemporary interpretation of the Korean traditional features with its own playfulness and fun! Yes, including a beautiful ray of sunshine in Seoul as well!

It’s time to pack up my bag to go back to London now. I cannot wait to implement these inspirational features that I’ve taken from my hometown for my next collection!

Love, Nica Kim xxx

1 comment:

  1. 니카님 벌써 서울을 왔다가신거로군요.. 오랜만에 블로그를 들렀더니 삼청동 포스팅이... 영어는 잘 못해서 항상 번역기로 돌리지만 포스팅 잘 읽고 있습니다. 올해는 작년에 고민하다 놓친 왕골 가방을 사야지 했다가 어영부영 또 여름이 지나가고 있네요. 한국에 니카 샵을 내거나 한국 배송은 계속 예정 없으신가요... 니카는 세일도 파격적이라 구매대행이 많이 비싼 편은 아니지만 일본까지는 되는데 한국은 안되는게 몹시 섭섭해요. 아무튼 다음 시즌도 멋진 가방 기대할게요^^
